Join as a Community Member

Join as a Community Member

Community Members are individuals and organisations that want to show their support for our distinctive approach to adult social care using a community-owned and led democratic not-for-profit business model.

Community members purchase a single £1 share* that makes you a voting co-owner in our one-member one-vote organisation. We also ask for a contribution – you can choose the level of this donation – which goes towards the costs of payment processing, administering and communicating with our membership.

Please note that applying via this form you are committing to an annual recurring payment. You will be setting up an annual Direct Debit (we use the GoCardless service to assist with this), and the total amount you contribute will be collected each year. Payments collected in subsequent years will be treated in their totality as donations (i.e. you will only purchase a single membership share). As with all direct debits you can choose to cancel at any point.

We welcome applications from businesses and other organisations that would like to support our work. If you wish to apply on behalf of an organisation or business, please tick the box below to let us know and provide the requested details details both for yourself as the initial point of contact, and for the organisation. Once your application has been approved we'll be pleased to add your colleagues to our mailing list should they wish to be kept informed about our work.


Select the amount that you wish to contribute from the options offered below. Please contact us if the options offered here don't align with the level of support that you would like to provide.

Total Amount
On Behalf Of Organization
Your details
Please enter your date of birth using the format dd/mm/yyyy – or use the pop-up date picker to select the correct date.
Please provide both a phone number and an email address wherever possible so that we can contact you.